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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 1 January 2016

I Have Just Emailed Disney

No. Seriously. I put in quotes and links to WHY their comics (the former Marvel) are losing so many fans and I named names.

No, I do not touch alcohol so I'm not drunk.

I also addressed some strong rumours that are going around at the moment.  Why not?  Not expecting a response but lety 'em know we're talking about them is what I say!

You see,there have been rumours that Disney were far from happy that The Avengers: Age of Ultron only made millions. There were, I hear, Disney execs who were in favour of cutting the super hero franchise and going back to things they were "comfortable" with.  Others were not happy to even think about stopping the movies as a lot of money has already gone into the up-coming movies (a beady eye will be kept on the box office takings).

But then -"game changer"- Star Wars The Force Awakens took over a Billion and this jumps straight into the hands of the business execs who think sci fiction -something Disney has done before and feels more comfortable with- is the way to go.

Avengers: Age of Ultron, which grossed $1.4 billion at the box office.

Guardians of the Galaxy grossed  $555.9M at the box office

Jurassic World made $1,670,328,025 (which really pissed off Disney because they were hyper over Avengers!)

But Disney sees, with Star Wars, the next profitable step.  The super hero franchises are a gamble and Disney prefers a "sure thing".  They want to make more than a billion each movie but...

Oh, and apparently Marvel franchise merchandise did not sell that well -everything was put into pushing Star Wars so no surprise there but not showing much faith in its previous "money spinners" The Avengers.

So my questions to Disney were:

(1)  When are the Marvel franchise comics being rebooted back to the early 1990s continuity?

(2)  If Dr Strange is now grossing a billion dollars will that put the other super hero movies in doubt?

In case you wonder, no, I'm not expecting a response nor a reply that would be significant in any way.  But I was just in "the right mood"!


  1. I heard Mickey Mouse actually hanged himself out of shame after reading your email, you callous bastard.

  2. The weak fall by the wayside. This is a jungle.

  3. How I wish they would actually respond to this.

  4. You're not the only one but a bland "Dear Fan" is all anyone is going to get. As soon as Disney got them any creative dignity went out the window. About twenty years ago a Disney exec was asked on a business programme about the whole entertainment/character thing and his response was: "Each character is a marketable financial asset and that has to be the bottom line. We're a family business" there was a slight silence then "but we're a family entertainment business".
