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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 11 February 2020

£26.00 plus a few pence International Global Conspiracy or..."meh"?

You see, once every year -Summer and Autumn previously- there will be sales that amount to £26.00 plus a few pence. Then nothing else sells of any significance.

Ominously, the £26.00 phenomenon just hit.

Depressing when you consider the amount of work I put in daily, often into the early hours, to try to sell the books.  Surely £26 hit too early?? Might as well pack things up until next year then....hardly since I doubt the store will still be there.

WHY £26?  Why not, let's say, £1000? :-) It's weird but I noticed this and it seems almost deliberate -is there a conspiracy headed by the Dark Lord Kaos?? Anyone sees a 7 ft (2m) tall, solid black figure with yellow eyes pointing to a photo of me and laughing let me know!!

I'm sure those involved will announce it on their own pages, however, two other two other small publishers are packing up this week. One will be going on to work of the few remaining K Marts (a super market I believe) in his state. As he put it "I'll be earning 100% more than I am now and be able to pay bills". Good luck to him.

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