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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 8 February 2020

I Swear They Do It To Annoy Me

I notice that the Blogger stat counter took numbers back down to 3 million 850 k -almost as though their counter dreads that 4 million views figure!

And on DeviantArt my views were reaching a million....they made changes so that I can only see current views not view totals -unless I pay.  Feck you DeviantArt.  $50 a year to see my own stats that bring views to your site -double feck you. Probably not going to continue on there because I don't want to see 5.5k views I want to see the total and after 11 years ...meh

I've got 12,442 views on Art Wanted.

Another site 20,500

Another 15,890

I notice that people are using a lot of these sites less and less -including Instagram and Twitter- as they become more commercial and people realise they are doing nothing for them. Certainly no sales from them.

On Pinterest I have had 51,000 views in the last 30 days.

WHERE are the sales from this? As one artist put it to me "I just watch the number of views climb and climb and then I look at the full box of comics that are not selling -what am I doing wrong?" As I pointed out -he is not doing a thing wrong.

If you actively promote your books and no one buys you ask yourself whether anyone has even looked. A stats counter on the Print On Demand store front would be great but mine tells me they have no intention of installing this (and their system may not be up top it).  So you just wonder....

The internet has not aided publishers but has in fact badly affected them and their business.  Do some research of your own and see what is going on in retail and online business. Internet is not the great way forward as promised by people paid to get you onto the internet.

That or it really is all a global conspiracy against ME......mmm?

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