Thursday 23 February 2012

Darwin’s Diaries 2- Death of a Beast

Darwin’s Diaries 2- Death of a Beast
Authors: Runberg & Ocaña
Cinebook –The 9th Art
Soft cover
18.4 x 25.7 cms
Full colour
56 pages
Age: 15 years and up
ISBN: 9781849181105
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: January 2012

With the beast killed by the soldiers, the strike ends and things seem to return to normal. But there are still some unanswered questions and lingering tensions, especially towards the neo-druids who live in the forest. The death of a young girl triggers a wave of aggression and more deaths. Is anyone controlling the ancient evil in the forests? And why, exactly, is the principled, family-minded Charles Darwin drowning his nights in gin and loose women?


Erm. I opened this on receiving it and read it through without a break because it was that good.  There are lots of twists and turns in the story but the biggest comes at the end of the book and had me shouting “WHAT THE–??!!”

Runberg certainly knows how to tell a story and slap you in the face with a really good twist in the tail. He’s becoming one of my favourite writers at the moment!

And there is nothing wrong with Ocana’s artwork –and that last page!  I also need to mention the great colour work by Tariq Bellaoui that lends a great atmosphere to the book.  If you never bought a copy of book 1 you really need to because this is shaping up to be a cracking series!!

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