Monday 1 September 2014

I KNOW You Are Out There.....

Over 1,582, 116 views on CBO and 705, 633 on Google+ and the feedback?


It is difficult for bloggers to know what they are doing that people like.  That said, I'm never too excited about large numbers of hits but grateful to those who do pop by my Google+ and CBO.

Gets boring though when no one tells you they like "This" or "That".  Come on -give it some thought and let me know.


  1. I'll tell you what I like - I like the look of the contents of your bookshelf behind you. Send them to me at once. I'll even let you pay p&p.

  2. I've been thinking a bit about this since I sent you my letter. It may ( in part ) be because the articles are closed: that is; they are designed to give information, your opinion and you ( we readers ) can either agree or disagree. The end. We need something more interactive perhaps - how about putting up a THINKER for example - or the colour ( no dialogue ) Wilberforce I sent and put in BLANK speech balloons - ask for suggestions for dialogue - 'please enter it in the comments' and the best one ( judged by LaBatt, of course - let him take some stick if people don't like the end result ) will be lettered and posted up on CBO the following week - might be a fun idea to try out fo a few weeks. Anyway, back to the grind stone.

  3. BWAHAHAHA..That's my quota for the year. Tried all those things -even an offer of an original page of art from Return. Nothing. Combine the Google+ and CBO hits and its over 2 million (708,598 + 1,583,136 -you add it up) and FOUR people regularly comment. We are a disposable media -like soiled baby nappies

  4. Kid: For every one removed another hundred shall rise to take its place.

    HAIL HYDRA! (I just wasn't sure where I was going with that and panicked)
