Saturday 4 July 2015



  1. Visitors beware as young Terry Hooper practises his 'I am scary' expression,. Although it has had minor modifications over the years and has gotten hairier - the beard - it gets 'em every time.

  2. ....not an example of 'profiteers drool' ( an expression I like very much, John, thanks for that ) but merely of..... drooooooooollll... 'You KNOW...' ver cryptic.... but ......yes......those eyes...... I .....know....those...eyes...are..... pulling a ....story from.... the Twilight Zone ........ aaaahhhhh

    1. Blaargh, my taste buds can tell the age of this door, bleergh, actually all I can taste is Windolene! But, NO, GODS, NO, I can see it coming, something nasty just crawled from the wood shed and it's ambling up the garden path!

  3. Well, I have to say that this is just a comment on some very sad persons who obviously have nothing better to do than be a very mild...if I'm not not even that...pain in the ass. If these people TRULY loved comics that is what they would be working on instead of time wasting. I'm guessing they spend a lot of time looking at internet porn. Me, between caring for a sick pigeon, decorating the house while I can and other things (but not comics work for over a month) I'm too busy to bother but if it annoys them...

    1. Actually a comment during a brief respite from drawing since 6:30 this morning. Getting on quite well actually and, boy, is that a relief. Feeling quite chipper about it.

  4. I may be sad, but I'm getting a bit done. A few Blue Saviour pages - looking fun. Hey Terry, how about putting up some info on the pigeon ? It's nice - in an environment of make-believe and concrete ( comics, my life and a bloody big city ) - to know that someone cares for nature in the real world. ( and yes, I know that the comment wasn't at John or I; but that baby's EYES.... man. Blow them up large and they'll scare the beeejezzus out of you ! I kid you not. Even Lovecraft or Poe might've had nightmares after that !

  5. Stop being sad then -you're not in Greece! Baby big eyes posted. Pigeon? Maybe later....who knows!
