Tuesday 19 July 2016

Cinebook The 9th Art: Lament of the Lost Moors 4 - Kyle of Klanach

Authors: Rosinski & Dufaux
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: May 2016

ISBN: 9781849183000
Price: £7.99 inc. VAT

The Gerfauts’ schemes have born fruit. Siobhán drank the blood of Brigga the Witch, and evil has taken hold of her. Once a wise and generous ruler, she has become merciless, and is entirely devoted to Lady Gerfaut’s son, whom she soon marries. Her own mother, Lady O’Mara, isn’t invited to the wedding, and Séamus, her protector, is powerless to help. The last glimmer of hope lies with Kyle of Klanach and his unwavering love and loyalty...

Well, this volume comes to me out of the blue as I've not seen the third volume.  However, you can find reviews for 1 and 2 here:

Lament of the Lost Moors 1

Lament of the Lost Moors 2

I don't get all the Cinebook titles so I'm guessing that as vol.3 was titled Lady Gerfaut, the story from that leads into this one?

The story is quite good, though I'm missing a lot set up by the previous volume.  There are twists and turns and some very nice characterisation -but Dufaux is a good writer after all so that shouldn't be unexpected.

Rosinski delivers great art. Get pass the colouring (by Graza) and you can see Rosinki's use of stipling and other techniques that if used too heavily would swamp the colour.  The balance is just right.

I can't write too much as it might spoil something set up in volume 3 so I try to avoid that type of thing. You can be guaranteed a great story and great art and it is well worth investing in the first two volumes and seeing what you think!

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