Saturday 29 January 2011

CBO Suspended -"Too Successful"!!

Unlikely as it may seem, CBO has weathered the threats from certain belligerent companies.  It has shrugged off attempts by flamers to close it down.  The insults of small sites trying to get CBO involved in some internet war of words to boost their own view numbers washed away. Local authorities trying to ban libary access to CBO have been dealt with decisively (because someone at the library service decided that CBO -a family friendly site- promoted devil worship! I could not make this up).

So why has the main CBO site gone down?  The answer is simple: CBOs own success.

Seriously, I try not to bother with things like stats because they are a meaningless jumble (dyscalculie).  I do occasionally, however, check them so I know on several occasions there have been over 20,000 hits per day -generally its been 1500-8000 hits per day. 

So imagine my reaction when I get a message stating CBO is getting too much traffic so it has to be suspended -the server cannot handle it.  We add the plug in as they (WordPress) suggest but we are still not allowed to post and CBOers cannot see the pages.

And people wonder why it's worth advertising on CBO?  That is a LOT of views.

Remember that CBO does not cover Marvel or DC.  We only cover Independent Comics and the Small Press.  That is why certain jealous sites called us "a no name site" *

There is no word from Word Press yet.  No idea when CBO will be allowed back online. I guess successful blogs are a problem for Word Press.

So, I do hope CBOers bookmarked this page as I suggested or they'll be staring at a blank screen.

CBO will be back! 

CBO shall return...

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