Sunday 8 April 2012

I Sit Here And Gave Down Upon Ye Mortals…

…and I keep reminding myself that there is internet porn to keep me amused.  Seriously, there is this Thai lady and what she can do with a bunch of bananas would make Sid The Greengrocer cry…in shock and amazement.

Perhaps this isn’t the time for that kind of thing, though.

Anyhow, I was asked why I do not list Bristol or other comic shops any more?  The answer is simple and I’ll explain.

I stated that, absolutely for free, comic stores could send a link to their website and info about their store -opening hours and so on.  That way, at a glance of the planned UK Comic Shop Lo9cator category on CBO someone going on holiday or even travelling as part of their employment, would know which store they were going near.  Yes, folks, on holiday comickers DO tend to look around for comic shops!!
And the response was overwhelming…in its lack of response!  You can email and talk to as many shop owners as you like but if they do not want to use a free service…

The same applies to comic events in the UK.  Whether comics/small/alternative press I email people who organise these things.  I talk to people who attend the events as guests -I ask everywhere and anywhere for comickers attending these events to send in photos -and what happens?  Professionals I know email to say “Hi -how come you weren’t at Comiconfon this weekend?” or even “What have they done that you WON’T publicise their event?”

Seriously, these people are on my Face Book (personal and pro pages).  They know of the events months/weeks  before me.

So, I do not publicise because I cannot.  It is not my job to sit at a computer 24 hours a day and seven days a week trawling for events or shops to mention on CBO.  I’ve had the same email address for over 12 years and my details are under the ABOUT heading at the top of the page AND you can leave a comment/link in Comments.

Comic shops cannot be doing that badly if they can afford to ignore free publicity.  Maybe reading all those Marvel and DC comics and watching internet porn and playing computer games is much more important than your business (many of which I have to say resemble places where shop owners and their pals can get together to talk Marvel/DC)?

I write, draw, letter and edit/publish comics and books so I cannot afford to spend time trawling the internet.
Mike Allwood, organising the Bristol Expo panels at the Ramada this year always keeps me up-to-date and I’ve had a few exclusives from him in the past.  However, the Expo is in May and I’ve had nothing from the new organisers which was the situation last year when most of the Expo items were things I’d pulled together to promote the event because I support it and promote it each and every year where-ever I can, not just on CBO but internet groups in the UK and overseas.

Hey, I don’t even know if I’m getting a ticket this year.

No one answers your emails….

So, if you have news -UK, Europe, US or anywhere else- of events, etc., get in touch.

Now…off to work on the next book.

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