Saturday 28 July 2012

Liefeld Saves DC Comics Now He’s Leaving…Why Are Comics Still Crap Then?

Artist (BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA),erm, well, he’s leaving DC like Grant (snicker) Morrison?
No. No. Deeeeep breath…..bwahahaha..ugh…okay. Serious face now as this guy earns more than me (Him Olympic opening ceremony to my run down, money starved NHS). According to Comix Talk:
Currently working on Deathstroke, Savage Hawkman and Grifter, Liefeld used his Twitter account to reveal why they will be his last work for DC:

“The current corporate comics conditions are an absolute bear, on both sides, for both Big 2. Not a political statement #fact…”

“As for DC work, I’ve done my job, stopped the bleeding, revived the patient….enjoying my collaborations… Gotta say, for me personally, working at DC this past year has been ridiculously enjoyable and fun. Treats talent right.”

He also stated 2013 will be when he leaves.

Cover by Liefeld which doesn’t look that bad -he writes the book, though not drawing.

Uhhh, am I reading that right? Is he saying he’s saved DC Comics? Have I missed something??

I’ve never been a big fan of his artwork but, unlike some, I will not really attack him because of that. If he loves drawing and earns money from it fair enough -I assume he has enough fans to sell comics? The internet is full of sites discussing Liefeld tracing or lightboxing art but this is nothing new.  And most artists have “swipe files” -even Wally Wood had them and there are examples of where he used images from British war comics in his work.  Liefeld admits it so its not deceitful.

My arguement is with the ego displayed at times in statements.  The above from his Twitter cannot be said to be a misquote.

Cover for Earth 2 (2012 series) #3

DC is sinking into the mire creatively wise and so is Marvel. If you only use a certain stable of writers then the comic suffer -as with Captain America of late and the fact that Marvel is going in full circle again after a year.


WHY was Marvel so successful in the old days?  Well, okay, artists that knew their business and produced their work on time without computers (no 5 pencillers or 3-4 inkers on one 22 pager!).  BUT they took in new writers and artists.

File:Heroic Age.jpg

After all the anti-hero, dark reign crap Marvel launched the “Heroic Age” with a big hoo-ha.  The Avengers had a good storyline with some interesting plots and nice John Romita Jnr art -and great colours.  Without a word, quite suddenly, the plotlines were gone (as was Romita) and everything had gone back to Dark Avengers mode again.  That shows a company that has lost all sense of editorial/publishing leadership.

I’ve cancelled FF from my pull-list. In fact I’ve cancelled so many titles I think the only Marvel Comics I get now are Fantastic Four, New Avengers (which I am going to be dropping), Mighty Avengers (is there another one??), Captain America (dropping after YEARS!!) I think that’s it. From my once mighty list that’s all I now buy though I am getting Avengers V X-men (but if it was a regular series I’d have dropped it by now).

DC? uhhh, Justice League (about to come off my list), Earth 2 (enough is enough -its going)….is that all I’m down to on DC now? I have never, ever purchased so few comics and in the 1980s I got all the monthly DC and Marvels.  I have tried Before Watchmen because I can’t criticise what I have not read.  Some nice art but, seriously, its not adding much to what the original series told us.


So, please, forgive me if I hear Liefeld has “saved” DC and is now leaving. Where will he go next? What will he do next?

You really want to know? Exclusively (as if I cared) -He’s off to Marvel Comics. That’s the company he and a bunch of his mates left in the 1980s to go off, formed their own company to rival Marvel and become major stars.  How’d that work out?

Oh, right. They ended up doing work for Marvel and DC.

I’m sure Liefeld is a nice guy. I’m just not losing sleep over this.

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