Wednesday 29 August 2012

Casterman BD: Le Croiseur Fantome/The Phantom Cruiser


Le Croiseur Fantome/The Phantom Cruiser
Author: Devig Hardback
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 22.7×30.3×0.9 cm
ISBN: 2203047852
EAN: 9782203047853
Price: € 12.
Date of publication: 29/08/201295

During 1951, on the East Coast of the United States, a priest, Father Mils finds himself suddenly thrust into a mystery. A mysterious disease that affects one of his parishioners. But then Fr Mils hears of others –one at a nearby hospital, and several similar cases in different parts of the United States.

Every time he tries to approach the patients to find a common link they whisked mysteriously away.  Someone or some agency is desperate to make the patients disappear -but who and why?

For his first solo comic book Devig effectively and convincingly explores America’s post-war through the character of his endearing hero. Interpreted in a clear line style in perfect harmony with its subject, The Phantom Cruiser is based on actual events of the time, and the work of the engineer of Nikola Tesla on a “death ray”.

Right, I was going to write that Nikola Tesla and the “death ray” was a biy of a myth but this is, after all, comics!  And the British government spent many thousandss in the pre-WW II period to try to perfect a death ray! But all I need write is “USS Eldridge”, “Philadelphia Experiment” and “Project Rainbow” -you should be able to do the rest yourself!

So, what happens to Fr. Mils? Now that would be telling!

Conspiracy, science fiction and pop culture all in one book.

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