Sunday 16 September 2012

It’s #0 Month For DC Comics To Mark It’s 52 Failure.

Well, I knew going into Forbidden Planet on a Saturday instead of a Monday would have consequences. Luckily. I kept my loud “WHAT THE ****?!!” in my head.

To create interest and keep fans interested (this is what DC is saying) it’s titles for September are all numbered as…#0.

I’m not going to say too much since, creatively, DC Comics is dead and this shows that things are not going swimmingly.  That said, it’s interesting to note the number of DC big shots “defending” the new 52. Hmm, what we used to call “Defending the undefendable” in the old days.

As I looked at the books another fella looked at me and whispered “They haven’t started it all again have they?!” I pointed out that they hadn’t but probably would by 2013!

Question: When does a joke become stale and old and begin decaying?

Answer: When DC Comics get their hands on it.

Earth 2 #0 has NOTHING to do with the ongoing story…why am I even mentioning this crud? It is another blatant attempt from the House of No Ideas to make comickers spend their money by grabbing all the “0″ issues.

If Dan Didio stated, back in June on the CBR blog:

“”We’ve got to do things to get folks excited again,” …”That’s our job. DC is one of the leaders in the industry, and we’ve got to lead by example. This is the best way to do that — by putting out books that get people excited.”

Then there has been one enormous fuck up -I apologise for the expletive but if not even a year has passed since the relaunch and you say, as “the boss” that “We’ve got to do things to get folks excited again” then it is a sign of major failure. You do not just say that people need to get excited about your books again if you have just had a massive company wide relaunch with all the press it entailed unless something has gone wrong…unless DC Comics knew in advance that its relaunch was crap…but I don’t think anyone at DC would know what crap looked like.

DC Comics really needs a shake-up from top to bottom and it needs to get it’s act together and get proper writers and artists teams.

Marvel don’t get away with it, either. I have totally lost track of this whole sceptic sore they call Avengers Vs X-Men.  All the covers are looking the same and the stories seem to be all over the place. It’s a mess.
Oddly, during the week I’ve been reading quite a few of the Marvel Essential books -particularly The Avengers. The script/stories are far superior to the current trash and art…well, the art is not bad but suffers by the fact that it almost seems that the writer and editors have lost any concept of the meaning of “sequential art” (yeah, I know, the editors are just there to cash cheques til their next job).

And as for Atlas Comics -I was surprised to see Atlas Unified #0 handed to me. Are we up to issue 2 or 3 or something with the series? I looked through it and saw it was not the version I had already -Atlas wasn’t re-launching its mini series surely???

As it turns out it was the October 2011 prelude for New York Comic Con. I get a year old book in my standing order??????? Even worse: this book explains everything that is going on in Unified so why in the fucking name of all sanity was this not included with the first issue or even made the first issue??
If you did not go to NY Comic Con or get this book but start reading Unified with #1 then like me you’d be confused and wondering what the hell is going on.

Someone needs a kick up the ass. But at least now, into the series, I know the beginning. Sorry, that is just so ridiculously….I can only shrug and hurl more obscenities so I’ll stop there.

I could mention that I got Back Issue #59 today…AND #60? Great magazines but with a standing order why do I miss books or get two books….

I’m getting an headache.


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