Tuesday 20 November 2012

Titan Books: Charlie’s War IX -Death From Above

Writer  Pat Mills
Art  Joe Colquhoun
Black & White
120 pages
Dimensions: 297 x 220mm
ISBN: 9780857683007
Publication date: 9 November 2012

RRP £14.99

In this explosive new volume of never-before-collected comic strip, including for the first time reproductions of original artwork from the Colquhoun archive, things are looking up for Charley after he meets the love of his life. But the happy occasion of their wedding is destroyed by the roar of destructive Zeppelin Bombers from Berlin! The ninth action-packed volume of Charley’s War is rich in the detailed minutiae of the terror-punctuated existence of a Tommy.

Well, you can forgive Pat Mills most things thanks to his writing Charlie’s War and if you consider it probably took a lot of research to write this then think of what Joe Colquhoun must have waded through.  This was before the internet (1979?) and online research resources or internet video archives. Mills and Colquhoun would have needed to do a LOT of work.

Now, everyone knows I’m also an historian and the military is a strong interest.  So, when I see the uniforms, aircraft, tanks, naval vessels and weapons I know it is perfectly correct in detail.  If you study photographs of the period then even the scenes away from the Front are spot on.

There is no glamorising war here.  That was never the point.  It shows the desperation and utter crap that troops on both sides had to live in while fighting a war that was basically a European royal “tiff”.

These books should be in every school library.  In fifty years time Mills and Colquhoun will still be remembered for this series and, hopefully, the books will be a standard regular educational tool.
The books would make a great gift if you’ve a wargamer in the family. And this is high production quality.

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