Wednesday 31 July 2013

Stransky & Labatt -Comic Creators In Disguise ...without the cool Transformers song.

Okay, on 23rd July, when it was all agreed and we'd all shaken hands I posted this on the old CBO:

OOOOH! Black Tower (Well, ME!) Is VERY Excited

Why am I excited? Well, two VERY well known comic creators are going to be doing work for Black Tower.  Joel Stransky and Pierre Labbat are working on The Bat George McQueen’s Bat NOT William A. Wards).
“Who?” you ask.
Well, the clues are in the names and there are a couple “Creator illoes” to follow…but you won’t recognise them from these. According to Stransky (in a thick Midlands accent): “Imagine me with no beard. No hair. Oh the cries from on high!” And Pierre Labbat…well: “This is how I see meself. Dark, suave, sophisticated. Not pissed out of my head with food stains on me best shirt!”
This is all just fun. Labbat and Stransky (well, Stransky mainly) say: “We’ll go to our graves as ‘that mysterious duo that worked for Black Tower’ and the quest to find out who we really are will go on and on -unless you blab!”
Me? No, oh mage of the Midlands!
Anyway, news to follow…at some point.

Luckily, before anyone saw them, I deleted photographs of the duo -which would have killed the mystery of anonimity. Stransky emailed: "I saw the photographs and thought 'has he gone ****** mad?' I was prepared to storm the very gates of Hell and then -they were gone!"
I'm guessing he means the photos and NOT the Gates of Hell...I hope.
Labatt just emailed:"I had my sketch-book with me when I visited mum over the weekend. She was going through it and looked up rather puzzled. I asked "What?" and she says: "Why've you drawn yowsel like that -and drawn ------ with all his hair and beard gone?" I thought no one would see it but she did."
So, I've looked but I cannot tell its the actual duo so...
Joel Stransky -scribe supreme and, in my opinion, unidentifiable minus all the hair, beard and jewellery.
Pierre Labatt -talk about artistic licence!!

Stransky says that he is going to have "fun without being expected to churn out some huge cosmic or socio-political saga!" 

Labatt: "I thought that I'd never really be able to disguise my art style and even though I don't usually ink my own pencils the art would be a give-away. But then you said that Ben Dilworth had to cut back on his art and I just yelled 'YES!!' because I love that loose style he has. I thought it would be great to continue in that sort of 'house style' as it were but put my own touches to it -no one but no one is going to guess it's my work!!"

So get prepared people for the biggest premiere appearance of....uh,..Stransky and Labatt in Black Tower Comics. We need far moore people to recognise these people because otherwise how'm I gonna make money out of them???

It was a very good, late night idea...I should have waited until morning before agreeing.

Who are Stransky & Labatt.....

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