Tuesday 30 July 2013

Time For Comic Folk To Reclaim Comic Events

I keep getting turned down when applying for tables at events -apparently you have to be judged suitable by committees! Committees judging who is the right person or the right company to exhibit at their shows?
AND other events are charging £40-£80+ for 3ft-6ft tables?
Let’s look at this.
So, you are “permitted” to attend THEIR events which is going to cost you money travelling to the event, a hotel to stay in overnight if a two-dayer, food, etc.. This is NOT cheap.
BUT you will need to sell enough books to pay the table price and expenses, not to mention printing the books you want to sell. You have to fantasize about hoping to break even.
The organisers know all this. Of course they do -unless they think everyone teleports? Yes, charge a reasonable amount to cover venue hiring but they need to remember without the comic publishing folk their venue is just that -a venue. With no one in it.  How much money are they going to make charging comic geeks entrance when there is no one selling or promoting?
Organisers get two revenues: (1) Dealers for tables   (2) convention goers paying to attend.  There are other possible revenues but let’s not go into that.  Greed plays a part in all this –its NOT “fans running events for fans” it’s about making money from the dealers and fans and, occasionally, **** the organisation of the event and where dealers are placed.
I think the Clallam Bay Comiccon and a few of the small UNPUBLICISED comicons (CBO is here so let me have the info and I’ll mention them) have the right idea. We’ve seen this happening in Germany as well as the UK and US so it’s not some “quirky fringe thing”.
Comic folk need to reclaim comic events. Smaller events and venues but still the whole package of fun and comics.
If -IF- I get out of the current situation I think next September/October
Bristol needs a Bristol Comicon. And family friendly, too!
And those committees?  Fuck you.

small Bristol comicon


  1. Just a question , O brief one . Are there meant to be illustrations on these older posts or is my computer not doing something it is meant to ? All I am getting are blanks with crosses top left .

  2. Nope. I keep saying its something to do with Blogger. For some reason they remove photos on some old posts but not others. I have no idea why. And they won't answer!
