Wednesday 25 September 2013

Machete Kills. Aint Danny Trejo A Doll? UPDATE

Why is everyone going mad buying Danny Trejo merchandise is what I was wondering.

Okay, okay -seen the trailer and it does look really great fun and it suddenly hit me: David Gordon and his Chang3ling range HAS a Danny Trejo figure!

There's only one at the moment but he can be commissioned to do another -these are all hand crafted and each is a genuine one-off so you buy you WILL have the only one of its kind. Investment wise that is more than good -no one can say "yeah, there's quite a few of those so they aint worth much!"

I'll see if I can find a photo of the Trejo figure and it WILL be at the Edinburgh show this weekend.

Here is the photo but I have to warn you that there is a LOT of interest being shown in it because the figure is unique and VERY collectible. However, Chang3lings has promised it will only be for sale and on show at the Edinburgh event this weekend. Once gone...

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