Wednesday 4 September 2013

Planet Jimbot: Savant#1

"Hi Terry,
Please find attached the pdf of Savant#1 from Planet Jimbot for review purposes written by me with all-colour art by Will Pickering (Burke and Hare) and Fin Cramb (Mono).   I've also added some promotional art.  Savant#1 delivered to your door for £4.50.  Contact for details.

The art in the pdf looks very nice BUT I do not review pdfs.  But let me repeat this: the art is very impressive and I'd say check it out.

And apologies to Jim for the misunderstanding -my fault.
But check out the previous Planet Jimbot links and here is some info.
Introducing Lode from the planet Savant.  She is on walkabout around the universe.  She chooses to chronicle the lives of the dying, and as a result seeks out war zones.  She is not a harbinger of death; but it is death nevertheless that draws her in like a moth to a flame. 

Her travels bring her to Hubris, a planet ripped apart by war.  There, she is recruited by local government forces to help hunt down a war criminal.  It is a journey that will take her to the mouth of madness.  The End of Days itself.


  1. Hi Terry, first, the distinct impression I was given from your e-mail was that you didn't review pdfs from unknown sources. This is why I then informed you of my professional credentials. Secondly, I wasn't trying to sell you an issue. That was meant to be a general piece of info for anyone interested in buying an issue. I would have preferred a private discussion rather than a public one, but never mind. I appreciate you putting up the images, though. Best, Jim.

  2. oh *****! I had a migraine and can't even remember writing that. Basically the rules are a word doc press release and up to 5 jpeg interior pages and jpeg cover image plus order info.
    The book does look very impressive.
