Saturday 7 September 2013

Reasons WHY One Day CBO Will Not Be Here.

There comes a time when you think to yourself that you have to stop doing a certain thing. At 0430 hrs this morning I very nearly deleted this blog.  Why?

Firstly, as with the old CBO on WordPress (which started in 2007) that took over the old CBO on Yahoo 360 and Freeservers, there are a very high number of visitors. However, comments are rarely left.  There were 6,312 posts on the previous CBO and some 1000 comments -most were from trouble makers (very small minded and balding trolls) or people just trying to get their own blogs mentioned!

The occasional blog related comment was welcome.

Since starting this Blogger CBO up again there have been a lot of trolls but they were gotten rid of quickly.  Lots of people just plain trying to be a pain. But out of the thousands visiting this comments about the posts.

Are these people just thinking "What's this CBO?" clicking on and then going with no interest? 

I post reviews. I post items on Manhua, Manhwa and a few on Manga, on German comics, French comics, Russian comics, old British comics -as wide a diversity of posts covering comics. I may as well just be reading or learning this stuff and keeping it all stored in my head. I have no idea if all the effort of scanning, uploading, researching and writing posts has solicited any interest what-so-ever.

There is also the problem that I review every single book received and I am very pro supporting the Small Press (read the About me bit and you'll see why), Small Press events or even smaller local comic events. After 13(?) years of CBO with the same email address there is no reason why organisaers/publishers cannot get in touch -"Oh, we couldn't find out how to contact you!" -utter bullshit since two people who said this were (WERE) on my Face Book friends list.   I am THE most contactable person in British comics.

And when you see "friends" on FB mentioning a "great event today" and realise that they never even mentioned there was an event you do give up.  The day before -DAY BEFORE- an event you get a press release at 1930 hours and it's expected you'll promote that event.

I have supported so many events -even ones I don't go to- over the years and the thanks is a general "Why do we need to let him know" (IF they even remember me).

The same for publishers who I supported and pushed via CBO and at events -all non-paying- but when they get established or "cool" they drop me without a word. That is just sheer ingratitude.

Even more galling are the publishers who list the sites reviewing their books....but forget CBO.

Creators who no one could be bothered with I've interviewed or lined up to interview -I've lost count of the number who suddenly say they can't do the CBO interview because "my mate wants to interview me for his blog he's starting" or simply "I'm holding out for a while as I want to try to get on CBR but if that doesn't work out I'll get back to you" -really? I'm no longer interested.

CBO has been an unpaid job that takes up a lot of time and effort -time and effort I could spend on promoting my own Black Tower Comics.

I've had adsense on five of my blogs for more than a year. Adsense is raking in the money from these adverts but do you know how much I have earned in that time with their ads on my site?  Well, 6 pence. Seriously? It's why I removed adsense -the idea of funding CBO via that was a joke.

I am not going to knock myself out any more.  What appears will appear as and when I feel like it because, as far as I know I'm the only one reading this stuff. If you click on one day and find the blog gone....

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