Friday 27 September 2013

WHO or WHAT Was....

....THE BAT ?

Back in the late 1940s there were rumours of a creature.  A man-like creature with black, bat-like wings.

He appeared as if out of nowhere to fight wrongs and injustice.

Then he vanished from public memory.

He was not the Stahlian Bat* and to have no connection to the supernatural being known as The Bat**

So Who or WHAT was this Bat?

Now we are about to find out!

THE BAT -THE CHAINS OF HELL coming soon from
                                      Stransky & LaBatt


*As seen in The Bat Triumphant and created by William A. Ward  **The supernatural character called the Bat was created by George McQueen

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good comic title. I hope it lives up to it.
