Wednesday 9 April 2014

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby....No, Money Is More Interesting.

You may have noticed the "Advertise on CBO" square to the right? It's part of my foolish attempt to make money. As Adsense had ripped me off I decided to follow Donna Barr's suggestion and try Project Wonderful.

Now, Project Wonderful suggests that you do NOT state a minimum bid that someone has to make to "win" the advert space. So, a lot of folk have bid 1 cent or 3 cents per day for the space. They've had lots of clicks to their site and I have earned....12 cents.

CBO has had well over a million hits. The average number of hits each day is between 5-12,000.  So, 1 cent a day for an ad is, uh, taking the piss. I have bills to pay and I need to eat. The money I'd be earning is, frankly, so low that it does not even rate as "pocket money".

If you think that you only want to pay between 1-3 cents for an ad then good. Go find another schmuck.

I have set a minimum bid of $1 and if you think that is too high then go look for that schmuck again. Those who put their ad on CBO got a high number of clicks -I might as well put an ad of my own there for what I, uh, "earned".

If your comic or book is worth it and you have faith in it then $1...well, it's one frigging dollar!

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