Sunday 20 July 2014

A Case In Point...Alan Moore

Someone, probably out to annoy me on a Sunday, sent me a link to an Alan Moore interview they thought I might like.

And "I'm not just picking on an old guy here....but"

"Stan Lee was an evil man who hardly wrote anything" Really? Seriously? Someone fall on their head or do a lot of drugs?

"Stan Lee was about 12 when Captain America was created" (no, he was 18/19 and working at Timely Comics -there are photos of him back then.

It's the sort of shit Moore talks at these events with all the fawning Moore followers giggling and laughing as the 'master' speaks.  And do these morons do their own research?  No.  Why? Because Alan Moore has done it all and thus it is fact.

Like his very embarassing Comic Book Artist interview: page after page after page of Moore spouting his absolute nonsense such as Thatcher stopping free school milk because it had the nutrients to feed the brain and she wanted an unquestioning, dimwit working class.  Science facts that come from "The Book Of Ass-Water Scientific Facts Only To Be Used By Morons"...and Moore is writing it verbally every time he gets given the opportunity.

Hey, yeah, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko were so ripped off by Marvel that who did they go on to do even more work for?  Oh, yes. Marvel.  Notice Moore does not focuss at any point on Kirbys near disasterous stint at DC (where they just were so uptight and closed minded they could not understand what he was doing) or even Ditkos stint at DC where there were problems.

So, I know this appeal is going to fall on deaf ears/eyes, but do NOT take what Moore says as fact.  He was not there. He does not know what Lee, Kirby or Ditko were thinking. "I met Jack once"....poor Jack. Stan Lee admires Moore's work so Moore is "embarassed" by that and for that compliment out comes more brain dead tripe.

Please, Alan Moore writes (or wrote or refused to write but returned to then rejected then returned to) comics. His books are not that good.  He has written some good comics but that is what he is. A comic book writer.

Einstein's morning stool made more of an impact on the world than Moore ever will do.

I try not to get angry over the man because I know he probably loves the attention and knows saying or writing crap is the only way he'll get that attention.  Perhaps he's run out of comic ideas (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen being the same story over and over in each series).

But I wish he'd write comics and not dig himself into becoming a legendary borish ass.

Also, read this just to see what Moore does to offend Grant Morrison or Morrison to offend Moore.  Breath I think. 


  1. Of course, you know that anyone who makes any kind of critique or comment about perceived comicbook 'giants' always runs the risk of being dismissed as 'bitter, twisted, frustrated people on the periphery of comics', but I've never let it hold me back from giving an honest (and educated) opinion. That's the same clip in which Alan Moore asserts that Stan Lee claimed (in one of the Origins books) to have created Captain America with Jack Kirby. Problem is - never happened (Stan's alleged claim, that is) - so Moore's point about Stan being about 12 years old at the time (which he wasn't) is doubly redundant. What about his misrepresentation of what was actually said on the Jonathan Ross programme about Steve Ditko? Got it wrong again, didn't he! You'd think he'd get his facts right before pulling someone else up over the alleged misrepresentation of facts, wouldn't you? Well, he didn't. Someone stick a sock in his gob before he makes himself look even more of a tit.

  2. HOY! As one of the greatest 'bitter, twisted, frustrated people on the periphery of comics' around I deeply resent...that...oh. Not me. Right. Uh, yeah, I like the whole ass-brain approach Moore has and ripping off people -anyone heard of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Didn't he do a graphic novel about Alice from Alice in Wonderland who was now a lesbian with other former child characters? Read the whole Morrison-Moore thing and you realise how bad things are. You ARE talking about a wind-sock in his mouth, right?
