Wednesday 9 July 2014

Ahh....More Nostalgia

Another illo of Ben Dilworth's I found in a box yesterday. "A quick colour sketch" of Kilbride -again 1989(?)
Weirdly, this looks far better than I thought. Cleaned up (the paper is tinted) it has some very nice colour shading.


  1. Brings back memories. Kilbride was the ultimate 80's action hero - machine pistol, cool shades, big muscled body - Stallone meets Ahnold - but... he would always arrive late for the action. The real 'heroine' of the story was an orphaned girl with some psychic powers ( in contact with the dead ).
    He and she would solve mysteries presented to them by the dead, in which he would always be a fish out of water, and she would always be the stronger of the two ( mentally ). I think I wrote one script and talked it over with Warren Ellis ( back when ). Nice to see some part of it still survives.

  2. Was Kilbride not a Gary Crutchley strip? Am I getting confused as I recall a Kilbride like fella blasting away in a cemetery I was told I could not publish...? It is a very nice colour illo though and only during scanning did I really look at it...hey, I've only had this since 1988(?)!

  3. No, that was Frank Einstein - it was written and re-drawn by me. The origional Crutchley strip was 9 pages long and called 'the Zombie Stomp' in which the lead character has no name. I inked it, of course. It was published in Killing Stroke #2 by Eternity Comics, Malibu Press in 1991 August. I remember it well because it was the last thing I got before I left for Japan. Kilbride was never published in anyway, only one short strip ( or part of a strip ) was ever made with the character, and I don't believe it still exists. Hey Ho. If I can remember, I'll send you a scan of Zombie Stomp - you can compare the two - and if you think enough dissimilarity exists - remove Crutchley's name and publish the fucker. It's the only way. After all, if people don't give a fuck about you - why should we give a fuck about them ?

  4. ALWAYS remember these are public comments. Also, you have to stop bottling these things up. Say what you think! ;-) Might have been Zombie Stomp -I tend to go through a LOT of comic strip/comic reading so it all melds -I could have sworn Captain America and Iron Man were gay lovers with Thor being a bit of a stuck up bitch...then I realised I was thinking of Love & Rockets. meh. As Julius said to me once: "Ooh. They've all got it in fot me, you know. And what's all this 'Ides of March' crap? What's an 'Ides'? Anyway, have to go meet Brutus for a brew at the forum. Catcha later!"
