Wednesday 2 July 2014

And Thus Wrote The Trembling Stroking Hand...

...And I Am NOT Being Dirty!

Outside of the three top postings on CBO -the Chinese language ones- Casterman BD and Cinebook The 9th Art reviews are in the top ten postings daily.  Of course, my own  incredibly fantastic postings are de rigueur (that's "a must" if you need to be told).

I sit back and sometimes wonder just what you, the little people out there, would do without my incredible insights.  I then usually wake up and find I've dribbled onto my t-shirt.

But I need to write this every-so-often because, even if there are only a couple of people who comment regularly*, I do appreciate the fact that you all visit CBO regularly. So THANK YOU!

*I am referring, of course, to the internationally renowned Magnificent Stroking Hand of Stransky. The wonderfully winsome Subzero from Tales From The Kryptonian blog  and the Master of the Electra Glide in Blue, Kid Robson -from the great Crivens! blog.....okay, it started out semi-okay but I'd peaked too early by the time I'd got to Kid R....ah. Oh -The Thunderously Tome Turning Thumb of Kid R!  Yeah. Pity I just didn't re-write this and make it seem more spontaneous.

If anyone knows my care nurse could you tell her I've run out of the pink and green capsules and that someone appears to have wet my pants? Thank you.


  1. That was me. You were asleep and I just needed to go, but I didn't want to wet my own - so yours were elected. Send me the laundry bill.

  2. Hah! You see -I told the doctor twerent me! Stransky: comic brains at work. (It was all just rolling that way, man)
