Wednesday 9 July 2014

Grace Slick - No More Heroes

Listening to this Grace Slick track at the moment which, considering how things are going in The Green Skies story seems quite appropriate. Everything is drawn spontaneously so -honestly- I have no idea what will be on the next page let alone the one I'm working on.

Things are happening that I really do not want to happen to characters but I have always stuck by "What you draw stays!" and as readers of Return Of The Gods -Twilight Of The Super Heroes will know, that can be BAD for some of the characters I've had and drawn for decades.

Gets kinda depressing.

BUT I have quite accidentally found the next mega project but on that I need an (UNPAID) collaborator.


  1. I'm in ... I must admit, it depends on the amazing inflatable hand- but, for inking, if you do the pencils or initial art - I'll help out. Not as positive as I'd like it to sound, but it's all the positive I've got at the moment.

  2. Is it not better to stand on the line that has been erased than to dig the hole that has already been dug? For all things are equal in inequality except for those that are not.

  3. And that is why my Dial A Mystical Philosopher sex line failed.

  4. But I'll keep any one in mind if they are cheap.

  5. Free is cheap....but, from the mystical point of view - free can also be priceless. Cheap is accepting a level and deciding you will not exceed it. Expensive is imposing a level and demanding others both accept and respect it. Free means doing the best you can, and plugging into the project anything you want - regardless of time taken or effort made. So keep me in mind, because I am free.
