Wednesday 2 July 2014

Me, October Events And 1980s/1990s Zines To Be Sold

I will be visiting the Bristol AniMangaPop! event on 4th October but it looks like I may be committed to a table at the Bristol Comics and Zine Fair on the same day so, although someone might look after my books at one event the cost of two tables is a little too much....sadly!

What I will be doing at the Zine event is presenting some Black Tower books as well as rare 1980s-early 1990s small press comics. After the event I will be listing the zines I have left so that anyone in the UK -sorry but UK postage is very expensive and restrictive so selling to people outside the UK would be out- interested can buy copies.

Of course, zines in those days were done craftily on the office copier while the boss was out, via the local library copier or very cheap back-street printers.  Quality, even brand new, was never anything we expected to be too high! It was a whole different seat-of-your-pants little industry back then.

So, once the event is over I'll pop a quick list of "for sale" items on CBO and then work out the postage if anyone wants to buy -via PayPal: Sorry but I got ripped off so many times in the past at least with PayPal the payment is guaranteed!


  1. I like the glasses placed artfully on top of your head... so intellectual. Anyway. Glad you've chosen a spot for your wares - do you need anythng for the table ? Some free/ give away A5 Zines ? Some posters ( A3 ) ? One page 50p double side strips ? - 3 in a plastic pack 1.45 ? I'll send you some examples of what I mean in a few days with a letter....oh, and thanks for saying 'thanks'. Seeya.

  2. Never realised I had the glasses on! Or are you joking about my shiny head???!!! Seriously, there have been 120 applications for 60 tables so I do not know if I've 'won' a table until mid-July. No point doing anything until I know. At least the AniMangaPop! event was first come first get a table! Thanks.

  3. Verdammt....I just checked out Google+ where I share CBO news are right. I AM wearing my spectacles!!! I'm very old you know. Besides I need the glasses to read and draw but NOT for the computer or other things so my glasses are the ***** are my glasses?!! get the point?

  4. Yoy! I listen to German radio stations and other things German to brush up on MY German and I write German words in. The chap in the shop Monday gave me an odd look until I realised I asked him about something in German. Alter furz...tha's me..."old fart"
