Thursday 17 July 2014

Sex Change Captain America.....hmm?

You know, no one should be surprised that Disney Marvel is changing all its characters to help get out of paying out money or accepting certain creators were the main force behind those characters.  DC did it with a sledhe-hammer.

But let's look at Marvel and the Kirby-Simon created Captain America.

This (below) is the REAL Captain America, right?

I mean, no way you can mistake him even if a few "major comic fans"  looked puzzled because they only know the one Marvel/Disney are promoting which is based on the (was) alternate Earth The Ultimates. That's this guy:

Does nothing for me -did the guy above slug Hitler on the jaw during WW 2 or the guy at the top of the page? Who fought Nazis, fifth columnists, the Commies and all those other threats from the 1940s to 1990s? Oh, the guy at the top of the page.

But check this out:

That is the daughter of Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers. This time from the excellently written and drawn A-Next where a new generation takes over from the old team who vanished years before (M2 Universe).  Its another alternate Earth but spawned Last Hero Standing and Last Planet Standing. Might -might- be inspired by the Chris Achilleos art piece below:

Now, I'm sure it was all coincidental, you know, Marvel opting to change Cap from the traditional to the crappy new costume. Not that Kirby or Simon or their families might ask for some royalties...?

Cap kept the traditional costume and featured in another alternate Avengers series -Avenger Adventures, supposedly aimed at younger readers but the art was far better than on the "real" book and the stories were clever, fun and great read...nah, we don't want that do we?

Its something DC and Marvel know they can do to get out of any creative rights dispute but I think we are safe with the new look sex  changes there.  If rumours are correct there are some interesting twists and turns coming up with Marvel characters who will no longer be the characters they were!


  1. Alternate Earth's becoming the Real Earth... Avengers Ultimate ? What the hell have I missed ? I thought the Earth 1/ Earth 2 thing DC used was a bit lame - multiple Alternate Earth scenarios ?
    What the .... it's asterisk time ******* ! Still, the Chris Achilleos art was beautiful - especially the shadow thrown from the boots. Nice art. Marvel and DC trying to steal money from the creative teams who made their most popular characters. What's new ? I remember reading something from Dave Gibbons who said of the early days of his career in comics - that you had to steal a typewriter on the way out of the offices to be able to guarantee getting the cheque for your work ( although I read that a long time ago, I'm sure it's accurate ). That's what the 'industry' was like, and that's what it is now. It doesn't have to be. But that's the way it is - and has pretty much always been - run. We all know this. I'm depressed. Let's do something fun ! Let's draw comic strips and let's enjoy it !

  2. Well, at one point I had to supply duplicfate pages of script because the editor kept the submitted art BUT the accounts department demanded a copy to prove work had been done. The work I did for Revolver and so on...well, I got one cheque and after a year of arguing and being passed from one person to the other the boss at Egmont said "Take it up with the editor -he no longerworks for us by the way"!!! So I was out over £5000. Even the "hip, cool" guys were on the make. Maybe I shoulda taken a type writer????

  3. Well, Ultimates (Avengers, FF, Spider-man) were all supposed to be no kid glove comics but based in the Ultimates universe....then there was the Maxx universe. Seemed to be so British creators could add in obscenities to dialogue. Reading through the old Marvel Comics and they were far superior BUT then you have to recall creative freedom back then. Its Disney now "Creative" =$$$$$ and "freedom" =No feckin way.
