Friday 4 July 2014

Supermans New Movie Costume

This is it!!!! This is what we've ALL been waiting for!!!

At least, that's what all the PR is saying. Firstly, I am sure that everyone has seen the image below. It is to promote mental health awareness.  Superman turns away from an obviously manically depressed Batman because Superman does not know how to help someone suffering from depression....


Oh. Uh, apparently I am wrong. Put THAT in your diaries kids. It seems that this image is designed to get us excited and punch the air while yelling "YEEEAH!"

I sneezed. Does that count?  About as inspiring and invigourating as a floppy willy on your wedding night.

BUT all is saved!  Yes!  We have a look at Henry Cavill's new zzzz zzz zzzzzz zzzzz zzzzzz   hm? oh. Superman costume!  Yes, utterly....utterly and totally uninspiring. Seriously?  The man isn't even wearing his red knickers for goodness sake!

Now, unlike many dumb sucker losers blogging movie pundits I am NOT going to start criticising the film that has not even been made yet.  Seriously. And Gal Gadot, who I am told is to play Wonder Woman has so far done no filming for the role as we're told she is buffing up for the role.

Oh, and Detroit is in the background to this photo -well, 'really' its Gotham city.  Excited yet?  No, me neither. 

At a time of talk about the progression of the Marvel Movie universe -Black Panther, the re-booted (yeugh) Fantastic Four, Avengers 2, a possible new Hulk movie....DC movie news just seems....piffle.  I've not heard or read one thing that gets me as excited as when Christopher Reeves was starring in Superman or Michael Keaton in Batman.

DC does the talk but it can't do the walk....its more a mobility scooter move.

At least the leather, PVC and latex industries are doing well out of these movies.


Not sure WHO did this next one but I love it!


  1. Looks like they've had a lovers' tiff.

  2. Check out the new image I just added. No idea who did it but......

  3. And Henry Cavill looks more like John Barrowman in that pic. Robin will be heartbroken.

  4. I know AND look where that left hand is going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ..... it is going for his wallet.
    I don't know why there's so much fuss about a movie that may never get off the ground. Look at the Ant Man joke. All these companies are doing is putting their hands in fans pockets and stringing them all along on the never never. It's sad. Movies are fun - movies bring in new fans - movies pump up the media attention.... but not for the comic strips or the people who love the characters or even for the creators.... just for themselves. Let's re-boot the whole fucking lot - straight into the trash.

  6. and the new movie Scarlet Witch seems to be there for boobage based on all the photos.Wonder who they are appealing to?!

  7. My money is on Noddy:Dark Herald. Apparently PC Plod and Big Ears are found dead in the bullet-ridden Big Ears car. Its blamed on the Golly gang but Noddy finds a note from his late father who he nevers talks about because he was subjected to physical abuse. The note reads "The Crooked lane" and Noddy is plunged into an international conspiracy that threatens to destroy everything he knows -and a terrorist cell has planted a dirty bomb beneath toy town.....I've seen the clip where the Wobbly Man is revealed to be the head of the terrorist cell and in a very bloody fight, Noddy thrusts a spiked paper-weight up under the chin of Wobbly Man. There is a very -very- steamy sex scene after Dinah Doll (a local fence) who sells "all kinds of things in the market" helps the wounded Noddy. Its almost a rip off of the Bandera -Salma Hayek sex scene in Desperado. I'm sure I saw the clips.....positive. I think.

  8. Now that's a movie I'd pay good money to see. Re-booted, 'Watchmen'ized, Zack Snyder directed and
    Frank Miller produced 'Noddy.'
    The sad thing is - I think it might actually sell.
