Thursday 24 July 2014

The Hole In My Jammies But You Won't See My Lack Of Underpants

Mr Stransky and Mr Robson demanded photographic evidence regarding my holed pajama bottoms so here's a photo.  The one I got using "timer" on the camera I have NOT used. I bent over with the pajamas on but looking at the photo I realised I was not wearing pants underneath the jammy bottoms.  Took the photo to show my sister ----an hour of vomiting.  Weak stomache.


  1. Oh... my... god. Just what do you eat, Terry ? Maybe you should get in touch with the 'Wind Power' rearsearch centre - oops, sorry - research centre and report this....
    Still, it'd make a great T-shirt. "There's a god shaped hole in under pants "... isn't that the song title ?
    In a more serious area ( ahem ) what marts/conventions are you going to attend this year, Terry ? Any joy with tables ( half or full ) ?

  2. I hear your farts would rip the @rse out of a suit of armour, never mind pjs, Terry. Worryingly, I have pjs of the exact same colour and pattern (but without the hole). How long did you get out of them before they started to disintegrate?

  3. About two years. In wind tunnel tests apparently they hold up well to Force 10 hurricanes but force 10 hurricanes ain't my windy-pops!

  4. Stransky; letter on its way to you. I am going to the Bristol mart and get a 3ft table. For next year who knows. I want to book a table NOT "bid" on one.
