Tuesday 15 July 2014

WOULD Marvel REALLY Cancel Both X-Men and Fantastic Four Titles? Yes.

At one point Marvel Comics were desperate for any money. So, Fox got the rights to the X-Men movie franchise. Now, Marvel, who were probably worth slightly more than Disney (who were not in that great a shape) sold themselves to Disney.  Disney promised not to interfere in Marvel Comics.  I said at the time that was crap and I think it has been proven.  Disney is a money sucking company and they want every little penny.

Marvel made big bucks with Avengers Assemble.  Disney bosses had to strap down their financial erections. I can actually imagine that. yeugh.

Fantastic Four reboot in the movies (as I think Kid Robson from the Crivens! blog pointed out, it's odd that the much criticised 1994 Roger Corman low budget movie was truer to the comic than the 2005 big budget movie) with the "re-imagining" well, I'm cold to it before it's made. Johnny and Sue Storm (aka: Invisible Woman and Human Torch) were biological, blond-haired sister and brother. Here are the new movie Sue and Johnny...

At centre we have..... Sue Storm.......Johnny Storm

Dr Storm has a few questions to ask his late wife....no, this could get too complex.

But the rumour that the Fantastic Four title is to be cancelled makes sense if, as with Avengers Assemble, the comic book characters do not match the movie versions.  Even the comic version doesn't match the comic version (a metaphysical joke there).

Cancel the comic and, remembering when Marvel did this last time it resulted in the disastrous Jim Lee & Brandon Choi Fantastic Four Heroes Reborn  (1996) and......

But Marvel have said "screw you" to fans over characters and continuity for years now and the only thing that matters is the green buck.

So, maybe the FF will be cancelled.  I'm losing no sleep over it.

But what about the X-Men (who have also suffered from reboots in the past...that then never mattered)? Marvel is Disneys lap-dog. Disney wants ALL the Marvel money not just a paltry few  million -a charity hand-out from Fox, who own the franchise in movie land.  Here, there is a twisted logic to cancelling the actual comic title.

About a year ago -maybe a bit longer?- the Inhumans seemed to be billed as "the new X-men" with people developing Inhuman powers around the world.  Not quite what the Inhumans were supposed to be -if you read Jack Kirby's Inhumans or any Marvel Comic with them in up to the 1990s you'll know that.  So, there are X-Men replacements (hang in there a minute) and they could feature in a new Marvel Movies franchise and comic series.

Is Disney Marvel so childishly purile in their thinking that they believe cancelling the X-Men comic will affect Fox movies featuring the X-Men?  Lose Fox money and Fox will say "screw you!" and dump the franchise?
The answer is yes.

But it is a double-edged sword.  The trendy wannabe "geek" wants to buy the comic to show how he/she was "always into the comic before the movie" (years ago it used to be "Oh yes, I have a black/gay/transvestite friend" (delete as applicable).  Now, The Big Bang Theory has everyone shouting out "I'm a geek! I have quite simply ALWAYS been a geek!" (yeah, right.).

However, as I've found, many, many people do not know these movies are 'based' on comic books. Getting blank looks when you say to people "You know who Jack Kirby is, right?" or "You know who Stan Lee is?" and getting the response: "Oh, of course. He's that character - the old guy in The Big Bang Theory" says it all. So, Marvel probably might find Sabre Tooth comes and bites their fat arses and they lose sales.

But Disney is like a spoilt rich kid -stamp that foot! Go red in the face! Tantrum it! Demand it be done.

Yes, I think Marvel Comics just might cancel The Fantastic Four (it really needs a PC "ethnic" after all -Wyatt Wingfoot and T'Challa the Black Panther probably don't count...or they've never heard of them!) in some belief that it's going to bring them more money to reboot based on the "re-imagining" because we are talking greed here.  It stopped being the fan friendly "House of Ideas" well over a decade ago.

Cancel X-Men and re-boot the Inhumans to be the new hot replacements?  Yes, I can see that.  They can tie it into their movie and TV franchises (whereas they can't with X-Men).

Hmm.....Wolverine is an X-Man....he's about to die...screwing up the film franchise....


Ahh, when it comes to money remember that money is Disneys bitch. Its Marvels bitch. Its Foxs bitch. You are just the comic fan so shut the **** up!

Until Joe Quesada grows some balls and admits he's a "Yes" man and has no integrity, MAKE MINE---

oh. Right.

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