Sunday 24 August 2014

We Do. Some Of Us Still DO!

Video blogger showing Jack Kirby comics: "No one does this any more. No more pencil on paper. Take that computer crap and shove it!"

Well, a good few of us DO still use pencil, paper and pen/brush.

A wide sweeping comment showing no real idea of what is going on outside of DC and Marvel.


  1. ...but I do understand what he means. It's very rare to find a 'real' artist anymore. Thanks for putting up the Purple Hood strip there - looks nice...though I do have to say that the black and white version of it does - I think - look better. But that's just me ...

  2. I was surprised a couple years back when I showed some colour inked/water colour comic book covers/art I did. The absolute shock that I used pencils then inked art and that I also hand coloured. The only thing most could say was that "it looks great. Very old school!" I hated that phrase. Now, meh, I want it on a t-shirt!

  3. Old school. Is there really any other ?
