Wednesday 3 September 2014

Bloggers MUST Remain Impartial Regarding The Scottish Independence Vote

I would like to point out that I feel this image is rather defammatory to oneself as I was never THAT fat! see, Scotland? THIS is why you need to vote "YES"!!!


  1. Hey there, Terry. I enjoyed the article on your German youth with some nostalgic photos. We all need to touch base sometimes; it reminds us of who we are. We can get too caught up in the problems ( and the good parts ) of today - it's good to look back. Scottish Independence ... will it happen or not ? Only GoBo knows..... and talking of GoBo, if you do a few sketches ( as in the last letter ) I can always whip up a few one off cartoons, you know. Might be fun. Well, must away home. I'm reading the old zines now ( and taking great care of them !) . Talk to you later.

  2. As one of this countrys leading -if not THE leading- graphic novelists I do not sketch....might explain a lot. Anyway, no. No sketches. BUT I will send you photos of GoBo (he's a wee bit vain at times)!

  3. Hmm. Though you are correct. The little people out there do so want to learn more about one at whose creative and artistic feet they worship.
    Phew. How does Moore keep it up? No. No, when I say "keep it up" you KNOW what I mean. I find five chop-sticks tape to it do the trick.
