Thursday 4 September 2014

GoBo At The October Zine Fair....Personal Appearance NOT Guaranteed

Mr Stransky wanted some photos of GoBo but the little chap is a bit nervous about cameras -something about crashed flying saucer, Roswell and Men In Black but he says never to ask. But, I'll find him...if he's in this plain of reality.
Gobo likes to play hide-and-seek and since I started adding a badge, card and photo display to the wardrobe doors he thinks I won't look inside.....
 Little bugger is messing up my camera, too -concentrated Goyeuric radiation usually.

After thirty minutes I want to give up as I'm getting a headache and then I realise -he's on my head, isn't he?

Here's the little pink one. Why he just cannot cooperate I do not know! Anyway, Mr Stransky WILL get his GoBo photos!

Oh, and GoBo, the Comic Album -"GoBo Explains Einstein's Theory of Relativity"- WILL be on sale at the October Small Press and Comics (though it looks like I'll be the only comicker there!) Fair.  Remember that review by Paul Ashley Brown in The Ashton Vale Telegraph?

"I saw the cover and fell in love!  But on going through the book I realised that this is what comics should really be.  Witty, intelligent, psycho-hypnogogic and a blend of the true metaphysical comics genre! McMahon? Pah!  Herbie Kirby? Pah! Buster Motram? Pah! THIS is the real thing!"

Mr Brown did not really write that because in his own words GoBo is "Shit. Awful. Bin it!"

1 comment:

  1. GoBo does look great, doesn't he ? Though I guess if I do anymore GoBo strips I'll have touse the 'white' eyes version. I'll do a few sketches and see what comes up...
