Friday 12 September 2014

"Minorities" in cartoons: Harper Lodge. One Day......


Or, as I call them -"People"!

Seriously, this is just another way of digging for money. I had, and still do, have, uh, "disabled" and "minority" characters since 1984 but somehow I missed the "This lot are worth money" note sent to publishers.

Harper Lodge


  1. So, being disabled is a recognised minority nowadays? Marvellous.

  2. Hi. In America...yes. I just find it insulting. One of my first jobs back in the 1970s was working at an engineering firm. I got transferred to help the guy spray painting crane cabs, etc.Worked and walked about with him all day and at the clocking out asked him if it was right there was someone at the company working with two false legs? "Yes" he said. "If you can give me a hand-?" and I helped him out of the coveralls and put on his two non-work legs. The guy walked better than me!! In a wheelchair? Okay, physical disability but to throw out a label of "minority"??? Seems a lot of this crap going on in the US where black comic bloggers are hailing the new black Captain America as "empowering for blacks. Finally some black super heroes African Americans can relate to!" Uhh, but Marvel had a whole slew of black characters in the 1960s as cowboys, scientists, research assistants, assistant newspaper editors and super heroes. DC of course discovered black folk in the 1970s -apparently Jack Kirby introduced some black characters DC were taken aback with but bless Jack -he wasn't having that crap. Archie Comics do seem to be trying anything to be cool and rake in the money. Hey, wait -I'm part Welsh, German and English and have fecked up legs....oh gods. I'M A MINORITY!!!!!
