Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Newsarama: DC's Top 10 NEW 52 Continuity Switcheroos

Hey, have I been unfair to Disney ('Marvel')?  Well, Newsarama has decided to take a look at how DC Comics screwed up after their "52" series....three years on and people are still confused.  Here is the item intro:

Now that the New 52 has turned three years old, there are still a lot of unknowns about the revised, five-ish year history of the superheroes that populate DC's comics. The approach seems to be that the missing five years will be filled in as needed, when stories require flashbacks or creators want to write brand new origin stories.

It's not surprising that DC wants that history to remain flexible, because they've already run into a few instances where the history that was implied in one book either didn't match up with what was being implied in another, or a later story reversed that history to switch the character's past into a different direction.
As Catwoman's origin just got a rewrite in Batman Eternal — and rumors are swirling about DC possibly "fixing" continuity with a "Crisis" event in April 2015 — we were inspired to come up with what we consider the Top 10 New 52 Switcheroos.

Here is the link so go and read all about the make-it-up-as-you-go-along 52: 


  1. You know, I don't care. I'm so far removed from this that it is not anything to do with me. But the lack of cohesion that the editors of DC seem to think is needed for a whole new line of comics is frightenening- I'm really upset by this . And I don't even really care . I'm not a DC fan. God knows what real fans think. I'm sick I'm off see you soon

  2. I just don't care anymore about DC nor Marvel. Pretty soon they'll implode and then the fans who stood there and kept taking this will say "WHY??? What happened -I was buying their books!"
