Tuesday 11 November 2014

Thanos Vs. Hulk #1 Variant Cover By Ron Lim -Exclusive to Comicbook.com...


Marvel Comics has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive first look at Ron Lim’s variant cover for Thanos vs. Hulk #1.



  1. OK OK I get it.I'll checkout the lulu page !! ...question...why does Thanos have such a tight cod piece ? ...maybe that's the reason he's so full of rage against manly superheroes etc...

  2. A4 Comic
    36pp inc cover
    Cover: 300GSM Silk, 4/4 colour
    Text: 120GSM Uncoated, 1/1 colour
    Saddle Stitched
    you asked in your letter abour printing outside of lulu. here's the cheapest quote!

    Delivered to 1 UK mainland address

    x50 = £153 (£3.06 each)
    x75 = £189 (£2.52 each)
    x100 = £217 (£2.17 each)

  3. Bizarre. Look at the 2 plastic sleeve packages I sent you - useing the copier in the convinience store at the bottom of Chigusa Building - I can knock out decent looking comics for ( by comparisson ) pennies.- 32 page B/W interior 160 yen ( less than 1 pound ) 2 colour pages (back and front cover 'posters' - single side printing ) 100 yen ( around 50p ). True - that doesn't include labour and postage - but these prices are not at cost. I'm useing the convinience stores copier !
    Anyway. I hope the two plastic sheet examples sell along with the Dark Hopes - it'll go towards the table cost.Got to go. Back soon - I'll comment again.

  4. With printing in the UK it has ALWAYS been about ripping every penny out of people. Back in the 1980s it was A4 copy @5p each and A3 @10p each. Now A4 -10p each and A3 20p each and even then the copier shop/printer will say "plus a small cost for handling" and you ask "What handling?" and they say "We have to place the page correctly onto the plate to facilitate a good copy" and in case anyone out there does not understand that means he puts your page onto the copier nothing super science. They ask "Are there any paste ups as we'll need to not auto feed" and you say yes there are paste ups on every page (speech balloons") and when you go to collect your copies (after a couple days because they won't do it on the day and there is no self copying) you open it all up to find word balloons are missing or a page is ruined because a paste up you did is now reproduced in the middle of another where it WAS auto fed....so that is floating about inside their copier.After November I need to get a supply of cheap copier cartridges and do some home printing....if I'm still alive. Oh, and the final part of 10 Dancing Monkies...no idea...so I'll have to get around showing Enozlam.....bah.
