Wednesday 26 November 2014

The Raging River Of Responses.

Comments are enable, right?  Yes.  Hmm.

Well I am guessing that my postings and reviews from Saturday to last night have left the comics industry in a whirlwind of-of......

Let's face it: no one was interested.  I try and try and postings on the comics industry -the troubles and tribulations- do appear to be popular.  They tend to get very high viewing figures.  But thoughts? Responses? Not a one.  You do know that I could just as well go sit in the bathroom and say these things aloud to myself which is satisfying but does not take a lot of typing/editing?

Hmm.  From now on I am going to review books while seated 'pon the lavvie.  You don't hear my reviews then that is your fault.

Honestly.  Burned out.  Type/post and just watching the visitor numbers climb is boring beyond belief.  Should be a lesson there for me.  My books go the same way.  Years of research, editing, typing, editing and then design followed by publishing one reads them.

Will I be back?

Who knows.

Who knows, indeed.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAkoff koff....oh my throat....


  1. Well, I read the post about the comic convention fron hell but I wasn´t certain what to say in response. Is there anything one CAN say ? It was just F - ed up, that´s what is was.

    Did you manage to get your money back, by the way ?

  2. I have heard NOTHING from the organisers. I have to put it down to lost money and suck it up. The court needs a postal address and so on and I just think I have enough problems to deal with. I'm feeling older by the week and trying to set wrongs right takes too much time.
