Monday 17 November 2014

These Are Pure Comedy Gold....And Just When You Think The Jokes Growing thin -Another Twist!

I really do love seeing these emails.  Badly written but highly funny. I've counted and so far this month some fifty people have sent me these emails and have all had EXACTLY the same story.  I mean, what are the chances???

Anyway, all my bank details have not been forwarded. Why? Because I forward these to my mail server but also have never had a severe blow to the head.

WHO falls for these?  Or the other favourite "I am dying and do not have long -send me money for my treatment/I would like to donate blah blah millions to you".

My Dearest,
How are you doing? I decided to contact you due to the urgency of my situation. My names are Miss Dannila Jonathan Dok, 24yrs old female from Southern Sudan. My Father Dr. Jonathan Dok was a Gold Geologist with Merrex Gold Inc. in Burkina Faso before He was killed in civil war on 24th March 2011 including my mother. Some months after the burial of my late father, my uncle conspired with my step Mother and sold my late father's properties to a Chinese Expatriate.

On a faithful morning, I opened my late father's briefcase and found out documents which my late father used and deposit money at a Bank in Burkina Faso, with my name as the next of kin. I traveled to Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that I can start a better life and take care of myself. Unfortunately, The Branch manager of the Bank whom I met in person told me that my late father instructed the Bank not to release the fund until I got married, that the only solution is that I should look for a foreign trustee or a partner of my choice who will stand for me at the bank. More so, I will like to disclose much to you if you can help me to relocate to your country because my uncle has threatened to assassinate me.

The amount is $7.800.000 million dollars. I have confirmed with the Bank in Burkina Faso when I went with hope I could withdraw the whole money alone. However, you will help me by recommending a nice university in your country so that I can complete my studies and also help me to place the money in a more profitable venture in your Country. I will compensate you with 20% out of the total money for your services. In the light of the above, I shall so much appreciate your kind urgent response that would indicate your ability to handle this transaction in straightforwardness. I wait to hear from you. Have a pleasant day.

Dannila Dok.


  1. Wow. What's not to love about this e-mail ? I trust you are now assisting this lady get a first class education in the UK ? No ? She should take a writing course that would, at least, inform her that this kind of story might have sold a few decades ago though Mills and Boon or Harlequin romance - I think ! - but for begging letters, the sensiblilies of Dickens and the Bro's Grimm do not lend a flavour of credibility. Maybe you should write a letter back asking for some cash in good faith ? .... no ? are, indeed, too much the gentleman.

  2. About five years ago I got twenty emails within a week that a distant relation and his wife and daughter all died when their car came off a road in (put the name of any African country) and I was the only relative they could find so all his money was coming to me....I just could not believe it. So many distant relatives with names unconnected to any of my families, dying in a car accident -and they all had a wife and one daughter!!! It was two weeks before I could step on a bus again.
