Sunday 28 December 2014

A Green Skies Up-Date

I know that most people out there do not care but I did promise to up-date readers "in a month" as to the progression of The Green Skies.  That was on the 3rd November.  Okay, I'm late but as I've already posted, there is no publication date for the third and final part of the "Invasion Earth" trilogy.

To show how slow I have been, on the 3rd November I had drawn (not lettered) 265 pages.  As of today, 28th December, 2014, the number of pages drawn stands at 273.  Now that is slow for me.

I have set myself a deadline to get the book finished by 6th June 2015 -my 59th birthday.  Then, if completed, I'll decide on a publication date.

In the meantime, volumes I and II are there to buy and read!

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