Saturday 13 December 2014

Cinebook The 9th Art: Lucky Luke 49 -The Daltons' Amnesia

Authors: Morris, Jean Léturgie &  Xavier Fauche
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Age: 8 years and up

ISBN: 9781849182195
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: October 2014

After a fellow inmate, having received a blow to the head, forgets his own name and is freed as a brand new man, the Daltons start pretending to be amnesiac in order to escape the prison. So as to test their supposed amnesia – and hopefully allow them to retrieve their memories should it be real – they are put in familiar situations: bank hold-ups, train robberies … under Lucky Luke’s supervision, of course.

Really?  What sort of idiot is going to believe the Daltons regarding anything let alone collective amnesia???


Well, in the Wild West of Lucky Luke these things happen -and with the big 50 looming next volume!   But what can you do but go with the flow.  It's the usual Lucky Luke shennanigans and puns and let me tell you, there are readers a lot -a lot- older than 8 years old enjoying this long run of the series!


  1. I got this one on my tenth birthday, and still love it now. The undertaker's scenes are great, as is Luke whittling away - everywhere the Daltons go. It's still the only Lucky Luke book I've read, mind, but fully intend on, one day, seeing more of them.

  2. Ah, see, I HATED Lucky Luke but Olivier Cadic told me to read a few to "get the feel" and I'd change my mind. Grudgingly I did! At times it is almost like an old British slapstick comedy -or Carry On Cowboy without the double entendres! And coming up to the 50th album in English -wow.

  3. Fifty?? Wow. Don't think I'll be getting THAT involved (but you never know). I'll try and get a few of them after Xmas and see how it goes from there.

  4. Oh come on! 50 comic albums are only going to set you back £349.50 -think of the investment potential!!!! ;-)
