Tuesday 6 January 2015

CBO Is Listed As "A Cool Blog To Follow" -We ALL Knew That!

I needed to point out that the disasters with TV companies I outlined in yesterday's post were probably also experience by many others.  I have spoken to writers who have made their living in writing for TV and radio and they all say that you do not accept that a project is going ahead UNTIL you are filming or in the studio -even then you hold your breath.  

I was also pleased to find that my old addage of "Until the cheque is cashed you have nothing" is quite common.

Ahh, we writers.  How we suffer.

That said, I now have a mini oven/grill with two hot plates so I can cook food again!!  OY JOY TO THE WORRRRLD!

Also, I need to point out that there was no evidence that I "disappeared" those editors.  :-)

On to more meaningless drivel -I know, I can hear you all screaming: "But, Terry, nothing you write is drivel!!  Your words speak to me!"   Jeeeez, need to change the tablets.

The Mystery Of The Vanishing Comickers continues.  These figures for today will be out of date by the time you see them but they make a point.

France is topping the view figures ahead of the USA.  Wow.  Thank you, my friends!  Bulgaria is ahead of UK view figures which does surprise me as does the fact that when these figures were taken only 26 views came from China -by that time views from the PRC are usually at 400-500.  And we have Malaysian comickers HELLO, MALAYSIA!!!

It is hard to tell what is going on but I'm suspecting the continuing cyber attacks in Asia are causing problems.  Really, I can't find another blogger with such an international readership I can check things out with and compare notes.

Entry                       Page views

France                     187

United States          167

Bulgaria                   87

United Kingdom     87

Germany                 55

Russia                     27

China                      26

Ukraine                  23

Romania                22

Malaysia               20

And views from Google+ |1,073,472 which is up from 1,069,100 yesterday.  Go figure.
Now my computer continues to crash and for some reason Yahoo have locked me out of my email account (again) and they will not help or move the slightest until I answer the security question: Where did you spend your honeymoon?   As I have never been married, never been on honeymoon it is an impossible question to answer.  Seriously -W T F???!!!!

The reason I am miffed is because I lost a link sent me in an email.  It took me to some site that had surveyed blogs and CBO was listed as "A cool blog to follow" -it was in the top ten and the only UK/European blog listed (??).   So, as if we did not know already, CBO is cool.  If anyone knows where---why am I asking -no one ever answers any of my queries!!!

Interestingly, France has taken the highest interest in my Maakika Art blog, too.  Damn those French have good taste!

Now...off to try my new oven!


  1. Hope the new cooker is good.

  2. Still no Japan ? Bastards. Thanks for putting up the Labbat interview - sorry it was such a mess. Glad you could use it.

  3. You mean views? Nope. Only about 9 from China and everything else in Europe and the USA.

  4. It be mighty fahn this here cucker. Fine eatins. But yes, good cooker plus two rings (oo-er) and for £55 so not bad,
