Wednesday 7 January 2015

Mockingbird, Hawkeye, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Secret Invasion?

Right, I love it.  Everyone seems to be trailing behind CBO on comic/movie news so I thought I'd gather up all the rumours and see what happens.

It's no secret that Mockingbird, a new cast member of  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., was romantically linked to Hawkeye -at least in the comics.  And we know that her character is keeping a secret from Coulson in the series (oh come on -it's a super spy show and even the glass tables have secrets).

Now, Renner IS to appear in an up-coming episode of the series in his Hawkeye outfit.  So you can guess that he'll be Hawkeye!

But what is the secret Morse is keeping that, if you believe whispers from Hollywood (actually, from New York but they are both in America) the secret is......


Sorry to shout.  We've had a glimpse of a Kree in the TV series and that is set to develop since it has been established they were on Earth centuries ago. 
There were circling, about two weeks ago a storyboard page and sketch of a Skrull so I guess people saw them but they are removed from the net now-I cannot find a single trace but if you have a link please let me know.
The story is that a make-up artist had a row with his/her boss and got fired.  They all have non-disclosure agreements but the artwork was leaked as a "**** you!" to the boss.  I'm guessing from what I quickly read that this was a former girlfriend getting her own back.


So, I'd speculate that with Fury having dropped off the proverbial radar -as he did in the prelude to Secret Invasion- that Mockingbird is one of his secret team tracking down Skrulls that have infiltrated what is left of S,H.I.E.L.D.......

Speculation -yes.  But if you read the comics and look at how the whole movie universe is developing you'll see what I mean.  Civil War and then Secret Invasion.

On this I may be wrong but let's see.....

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