Tuesday 24 February 2015

"Just WHERE Is Dalborn?"

True, if you drove too fast you missed it.  It is on maps and nestles in forestry and farmland between Detmold, Blomberg, Lemgo and other villages.

Wonderful place with forestry, wildlife, fields and plenty of "odd" things to keep "Herr Professor" happy! I even have photos to prove it exists -before you say anything: I was feeding the ponies.  Yes, that is me with hair.  Yes, I do have this photo in colour but cannot find it.  I am old.
True, wenn Sie zu schnell fuhr ihr es verpasst habt. Es ist auf karten und schmiegt sich in der Forstwirtschaft und Ackerland zwischen Detmold, Blomberg, Lemgo und anderen Dörfern.

Wunderbarer ort mit Forstwirtschaft, Tierwelt, Felder und viel "seltsam" dinge bei laune zu halten "Herr Professor"! Ich habe sogar bilder zu beweisen, -vor Sie etwas sagen, es gibt: Ich war die ponys füttern. Ja, das ist mir, dass mit Haaren. Ja, ich habe dieses foto in Farbe, aber kann ihn nicht finden. Ich bin alt.

 Entschuldigungen für alle Sprachfehler -mein  augen sind wirklich schlecht noch heute!

 Die Kleine Knieper!

 Sooooooo green,man.


  1. Dalborn does look fantastic, doesn't it ? Where I am is just a concrete wasteland. Green. Lovely. I like the new blog banner - looking quite retro there with Mr. Apollo smashing through (!) and also - hey ! It's the Purple Hood collection. Thanks for putting up the Merriwhether PC sized strip again, and also nice to see 'Jasmine - Kathatakathalaka' again. It's one of yours and Dilworth's best bits I think. I also caught sight of Dilworth's 'LINK' short. That was fun ! "The E.B.E.'s a splat - look ! Big Foot !" Well. Must get back to the grind stone. Catch you later.

  2. Heh. Between 2200-0120 hrs I re-jigged ALL the blogs!

  3. Good job with all the blogging. Looks like a lot of people have viewed these pages - and you have put up a lot of interesting stuff ( methane holes in Siberia ! Anomalous Observational Phenomena blog ) ! You should have a day off, Terry - rest is not only for the wicked but also for the hard working blogger and artist - 122 blog entries this month ! Have a nice day - oh, and thanks for the easy to see digital clock at the top of the page ! Take it easy. Talk to you tomorrow.

  4. Well. ol chum, if you add the Feb CBO postings to those on the other blogs it comes to 233 posts. WHY am I not making money? There's the odd one off Google+ posting but this is all outside of my Yahoo groups and other things. Yes, I tirelessly work at this because I am a mental. And a new "I'm still alive!" video...oy
