Thursday 5 March 2015

Further NASA Evidence Of Alien Incursions And Possible Hostile UFO Fleet In Space.

Joining the ranks of international scientists who believe that a hostile alien force has entered our solar system, mounted numerous incursions (recce flights?) and believe there may be some kind of war going on, such as Professors Tombeau, Sidebotham we now have Michio Kaku joining in, reservedly.

Disklosure Times International has also reported that the highly secretive United Nations Intelligence group, S.A.T. A. N. (sounding ominous enough in itself!) has had field officers looking into the massive surge of UFO sighting reports from 2014 but say this is just a "logistics exercise".

Is Earth about to be invaded or is our home solar system the unwitting location of a war between alien races?  Certainly all references to the "thermonuclear explosions on Mars and Phobos seem to be ignored or have been taken down from the internet.

Or, can we merely sit back and carry on as always and simply say "UFO hoax"?

 We have this from

Massive UFO Fleet Caught By International Space Station Live Cam, Video 

 “Watch as a colorful fleet of UFOs is seen from the space station live cam this week. The UFOs actually change colors as they move. This fleet is following two lone UFOs far out ahead of them all. It looks like the fleet was caught leaving the dark side of the Earth just as the ISS came into view. This is one rare and amazingly beautiful event,”  says Scott Warning, author of UFO Sightings Daily


Date of sighting: March 10, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit viewed from ISS
Method Viewed: NASA space station live cam


Waring points out that another UFO was seen near the International Space Station only a few days later.

Streetcap1 of Youtube caught this UFO at the ISS and it looks to be matching speed with the ISS. The object appears to be solid and almost disk-like. This is a great capture of this object and the surface color is very similar the the last few UFOs we have seen at the space station this month, says Waring

Date of sighting: March 14, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station, Earths Orbit

Streetcap1 of Youtube caught this UFO at the ISS and it looks to be matching speed with the ISS. The object appears to be solid and almost disk-like. This is a great capture of this object and the surface color is very similar the the last few UFOs we have seen at the space station this month, says Waring.

 See more from Scott Waring at UFO Sightings Daily

And then....

Nearly two years after an amateur star-gazer captured footage of a UFO fleet flying past the Earth’s moon, the video was uploaded to the internet Tuesday. The short tape shows how a site user spotted unidentified flying objects zooming by. The moon UFO sighting is now seen in stunning 1080p resolution.

The short video (2:35) that appears on is without sound. But the footage of the fleet of UFOs by the satellite (in its half-moon phase) speaks for itself. Isotrop is the handle of the user who uploaded the footage (November 20, 2012). He writes that a camera was set up and trained on the moon over several nights and many hours.

The camera caught the moment about a dozen or more orbs appeared to have jettisoned from the surface of the moon, or were merely flying by. Video footage showed amazing detail of the moon’s surface in high-definition. However, the unidentified objects flying by were not discernible up close using the equipment.

As a result of the man’s shocking discovery of the moon’s UFO fleet, he tends to believe others who claim to have similar video of alien space crafts in the solar system.

The Inquisitr has covered stories about other UFO sightings in the recent past. One such incident occurred when a passenger aboard a Carnival Cruise Lines ship reported seeing an alien-like craft hovering along the coastline.

Sources say there has been an uptick in sightings of UFOs. By the numbers: in the month of August, there were 285 reports of people spotting UFOs. What do you make of this latest news? Is the “fleet” part of some covert NASA or military space program. Or is it proof of visitors from another planet?

This is a Green Skies promo using actual news and video recordings. If it's reality then I'm the new Nostrodamus!

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