Friday 20 March 2015

Nihil sum, et ad omnes


  1. A very zen attitude, Terry. Sorry I've been off the internet for a bit - I've had a couple of small problems with getting access to it. I should be able to check in once or twice a week from now
    on ( if I'm a good boy ). - I saw the two Ace Hart strips up on the Terry Hooper Black Tower Comics and Books and Black Tower Comics and Books sites. Wonderful stuff ! Infantile art ? Poppycock ! Just perfect for the feel of the stories! Oh. And welcome back China, indeed.NB I'm putting a package together now, I'll make a comment when I send it. Nice to be back, but I gotta go ! Seeya.

  2. Been worrying that something was wrong! I'm guessing the River Effluence hasn't been dammed yet?
