Tuesday 31 March 2015

Stransky: Package Received.

Avril Feuille stories...???  Have you sent any or is this April Fools?


  1. Glad you got the package. The Avril Feuille stories were in 'the Bristol Comicbook's. They were titled under Bristol Ghosts, and #4 'Precious Bones' is based on a real Bristol haunting... well, real is bit of a stretch...anyway... Hope you enjoy the package and I'll send another off in a bit ( as soon as I can get some work done ! ) OK, my supervised 'PC' time is up - I wish I were joking - gotta go. Take it easy.

  2. Can you not just turn them and say "I am an adult. ***** off!" You need to be back in the UK! Morally I am behind you 100% in the, uh, "Bi9blical sense" not at all. This aint Broke Back Black Tower! The stories -I was thinking strips. Yeah, they were okay and I think one day they need to all be collected together in one book.. Just take care of yourself....or I'm coming over there (euuuw!).
