Saturday 18 April 2015

Groupement Defense Belgique Page (1987/1988)

I found some photocopies of art that Ben Dilworth inked "back in the day" (1987/1988?).  Also found some original Hooper-Scharf pencilled and  Dilworth inked pages from the same period of the aftermath of the Boarman Invasion!  Almost 30 years before Return Of The Gods That would be telling but I will scan and post the pages this week.

And this photocopied art is from a Groupement Defense Belgique story that never got completed.  The Tall One really made my pencils look good!


  1. The DROWNING POOL work was nice. It's always good to see talent in it's early stages - you can really see the potential. I hope that Mr. 'Box' is out there useing his talent for this and's surprising how an artistic ability can help in a lot of jobs ( and hobbies ). Thanks for posting up the
    Dilworth art page... they often bring a manly nostalgic tear to the eye. Oh what might have been... and what might still be ... who knows ? I'm being a bit buggered at the moment by JW nonsense so my work is a bit delayed - but I'll hopefully be back on track soon. Take it easy. Got to go.

  2. Once I've finished the pages I'm working on I have more of your inks over my pencils from the late 1980s. You'll have tears pouring out your asspydestra.

  3. Tears oooohhh kayyyyy...... I'll have to go and stock up on them adult daipers, then...... as you may have noticed I've got a bit more leeway just now...let's hope it lasts. Oh. And on a side note - the Batman/Superman trailer clip looked cool - much better than I'd expected. "Do you bleed ?". And also ... in the initial voices talking about Suerman being an alien ... I thought I heard the voice of Neil de Grasse Tyson !... I wonder how much he got paid for that ! ( If it really was his voice... ) Anyway. Got to go. See ya.

  4. It left me asking one big question: WTF is Neil de Grasse Tyson??? Ah, not a big name in the UK. My gran once told me: "Bastard -one day your name will be as big as Ajax. It don't get no better than that." Yeah, I know who he is. But I had to think for a while. You brush your teeth in America and you're a celebrity. But who remembers Ajax?? I do!!!! I still use it. Got off track here. Looks like they've gone more for Miller's The Dark Knight for ideas. Interesting to see...when it's on dvd!

  5. Yes, I did notice you have more leeway. But, please, wear pants next time you use the computer (and wipe the chair off!). Oh, that might sound bad....ah feck it! I can control the destiny of the fecking planet bwahahahahahakoff koffhaha...oh tha;s enough.

  6. Pants are always optional. It's a company rule.

  7. Even for foreign devils? Well......
