Saturday 16 May 2015

"Archie Comics Has Started A Kickstarter Project" To Which I Respond: "You Cheeky Feckin---"

Now, it is no secret that I get really -REALLY- pissed off with dozens of requests for me to feature someone's comic Kickstarter project.  There have been two exceptions -the superb Kate Glasheen's Bandages and recently Kat Nicholson drawn Silicon Hearts.

I have no problem with people using Kickstarter.  I'd say use Print On Demand myself but Kickstarter sorts the wheat from the chaff.

I repeat that I have no problem with Kickstarter, some seem to think, and have even written on their blogs that I do.  Look at it this way: I say "Okay, I'll mention your Kickstarter on MY blog if you mention MY books and online store on your."  The excuses that come are priceless at times but I think the most frequent and ironical is this one:

   "I understand your position but look at it from my point of view -I don't know you or anything about your books so I just could not mention them or recommend them to people who visit my blog" my 1970s martial arts instructor told me sternly: "remember: it cuts both ways!" (if he'd said that before I'd cut the man's fingers off it would have been more helpful!).

But, Kickstarters are for those who have a project to try to raise funds.  "The small guys" as it were (and I'm using "guys" as an Americanism so not leaving out female WOULD have been shorter to say "guys and gals", I know!!).

It is NOT for established companies. Archie Comics has been around since before the War (oy. Yes, I'll narrow that down to World War 2 "The one that never happened" as the Japanese used to say).  They are NOT "the little guys" -"Archie's dead", "A Gay In Riverdale" and "Can you believe it -Archie dates a disabled person" have all been high profile, sensationalist and at times, insulting, attempts to pull in more readers. All the big newspapers, TV news and radio pushed these items and Archie Comics profitted from it.

Name me a Small Presser that gets even 000.5% of that attention if they publish a book about hunger, homelessness and other worthy subjects?  I've been around a while and can tell you -NONE.

So, Archie Comics starting a Kickstarter?

I am not feckin kidding.
 Here is the opening paragraph to an item on IGN you ought to check out:

"Archie Comics has been the source of some online controversy this week. And this time, it's not because they killed off Archie or turned Jughead into a zombie. On Monday the company announced a new Kickstarter drive aimed at funding a trio of new comics spinning out of Mark Waid and Fiona Staples' relaunched Archie series. That led to some significant backlash among readers and creators, resulting in the cancellation of that Kickstarter only five days in. The core argument is that Kickstarter is supposed to be an outlet for the little guy, not big companies. However, I think this situation serves as a reminder that when it comes to comics, everyone that isn't Marvel or DC counts as "the little guy.".."

To me it is a massive "NO" and a big Bristol "Feck off, you cheeky bastids!"

If Archie Comics cannot get the revenue it needs from advertising or even sponsorship then they ain't doing it right.  Seriously.    If there was less extra press about company in-fighting it would not be so bad.
And if this has done anything it has convinced me even more to say "Nay!" to posting all those Kickstarter campaign PRs.

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