Friday, 1 May 2015

Prague Euro Comics Book Expo for 1992

It was 1991.  I was contacted about comics and the Prague Euro Comics Book Expo for 1992.  Could I help out?

Well, heck yes.  Especially as I was promised space to do my own thing at the Expo.  You'll note the Expo was organised by people based in London.  Never ever got a name.

So I went into automatic -publicising, putting material together.  Got the below event promo flyer and a thank you (of sorts).  Then silence.

Phone calls went to answer phone.  No return calls.  Faxes -no responses.  Letters -no replies.

Did it actually go ahead?  No idea.

Work in comics this sort of thing is quite common.

Going over the notes with this recent "find" cemented what I proposed the other day.  All these comic events get all the publicity and promise this and that but has one ever followed up with a post event PR/photos or even a "thanks for the promotion work"?

No. Only photos are if I went to an event and took them.

So, no, without a written and signed promise to send post event PRs, photos or event booklets/catalogues (I'm a comic historian after all) NO MORE EVENT PUBLICITY.

Since the 1980s I have actually gotten NOTHING out of promoting events (with Mike Allwood's Bristol Expo I did get a free press pass) but put in work that amounts to many hours -all unpaid and 99.9% of the time not even a "thank you".

Don't take me for a dool any more.  Pretend you didn't know?  Your emails get marked as spam.

"Take advantage of Terry" is over.

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