Tuesday 28 July 2015

No Messing Around -The 2016 Clallam Bay Comicon Is Being Organised Now!

From Donna Barr:
"The fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon on the way

CLALLAM BAY, WASHINGTON - The fifth annual Clallam Bay Comicon will be held July 9-10, 2016, in the Lion's Club building in Clallam Bay (90 Bogachiel Street), on Washington State's Olympic Peninsula. Full details at www.donnabarr.com

No admission fee, very low sales table rates; first-come, first-served.
Peninsula businesses and communities are encouraged to offer welcoming specials or events to Comicon attendees.

Contacts: donnabarr01@gmail.com and 360 963 2935"

And, yes, I know that is the 2014 poster but it looks pretty and Pinterest don't take posts without images so there!  :-P

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