Sunday 26 July 2015

Trailer/Promo. EPIC HISTORY X-MEN VOLUME 2: The Phoenix Saga. July 29th ...


  1. I enjoyed watching this little X-Men Promo. It was kind of fun... but the main reason I'M writing a comment is to say 'Congratulations'. This CBO site has just passed 2 million views. It now stands at two million, two hundred forty seven views. I've been watching these figures for a while now and I have to say - although you maybe unhappy as you're not getting the number of comments you should - you are getting a lot of views. You had over one thousand five hundred views in the last four hours; which is crazy ! You normally get that over about a day -sometimes more, sometimes less. But in FOUR HOURS. It caught me a bit off guard... I was hoping to be viewer number two million ! Anyways. Congratulations. Take care of yourself... and remember; just because lots of people don't leave comments doesn't mean they don't care. Oh; and PS. I care. So; see you in the funny pages and keep resting those baby blues.

  2. CBG19s volume 1 history of the X-Men is a lot of fun...if a few profanities slip in! Yup, Russia and the USA have hit CBO like crazy today. No idea why. Just tell everyone you were number 2 million -who'll know??

  3. Ah ....honesty honesty.... that bane of my see...I'll know. But still, very happy to be one of the first to see the two million plus arrive ( I raised a glass of whiskey to it - rare for me these days) and said "People watch this post and pickup their Marvel, DC, movie and other news here because - it ain't a biased mouth-piece ! Long live the independents !!" ( And I did actually say that - it took about 2 minutes to think it out properly... a toast should never be hasty...) take it easy, Terry see you soon.
